We are hiring ...
HPC Links takes pride in its leadership, engineering and development, and sales team. We are seeking to expand this team in both the United States and in India with individuals who can further develop innovative high performance computing software solutions, parallel programming tools and applications.
Typically, our team members work on cutting-edge challenges such as:
- Migrating parallel applications from Linux to Windows environment.
- Re-engineering serial code to parallel applications for performance efficiency.
- Developing parallel applications and enablement tools on Windows and Linux environments.
- Parallel applications tuning and benchmarking, cluster systems benchmarking.
- Scaling and optimization of existing parallel applications on both Linux and Windows platforms.
- GPU and CUDA optimization of HPC applications.
... only the best.
Suitable candidates will have the following experience or skills:
- Experience with MPI and OpenMP programming is strongly desirable.
- Coding experience on multi-core platforms from Intel, IBM, AMD, NVIDIA and others are greatly welcome.
- Experience with Intel parallel programming tools such as VTune and MKL, and Microsoft HPC server development tools are added plus.
- Microsoft Windows HPC Server certification is an additional bonus.
If you believe you are well suited for one of the above positions, and you would like to play a significant role in the success of a small, growing provider of tomorrow's HPC, multi-core, and cloud computing solutions, please deliver your resume to careers@hpclinks.com.